
Book here

  • 1:1 Channeled Reading

  • Intuitive Coaching

  • Intuitive Intelligence Workshop

Below are the links to book your session or event via in-person or virtual. Acuity scheduling requires a card to hold the booking but your card will not be charged until after the session or event. You are also welcome to use cash, check or Venmo if you prefer. Simply indicate your preference when we connect. I look forward to connecting!

If you have any issues or questions with regards to booking, please contact me at Thank you

schedule Group clarity session

Below is the form to complete for a Group Clarity Session. Simply indicate your contact information, number of participants in the group and convenient dates and times. I will respond promptly with a scheduled date, time and link for participants to register for the event with.

Sessions are 90 minutes and $99 per participant.

I look forward to connecting with you!