
  • 1:1 Channeled Reading

    Do you struggle when it comes to getting help in understanding your own life experiences and patterns? Are you ready to get off the loop of repeated thinking and experiences?

    A Channeled Reading session is an opportunity to find answers by being seen deeply and honestly in a caring environment. The sessions unlocks emotional, mental and physical patterns in your body in order for you to feel generous and alive. In each session, I use my intuitive lens to connect with you at a core level and view your story from a broader perspective for a fresh approach. You can come once or multiple times. Come with an open heart and a curious mind and leave with a clarity.

    60 minutes

    In-person and Virtual available

  • Group Clarity Reading

    Gather a group of friends, book group, project team, etc., and bring your questions. I will tap into the group as a whole as well as individually and offer intuitive insight and new perspectives. Group clarity sessions offer break- throughs on multiple fronts. I will blend with and read the energies in the room, channel messages for clarity and healing and facilitate a space of connection and humor while addressing the real-life trials of the human experience. Small Group Clarity sessions are an intimate and energized way to watch the magic unfold in the room!

    Groups are limited to 10 for optimal comfort with a minimum of 5 for optimal energy.

    Group Clarity Sessions are pre-organized by you so grab your fellow soul buddies and allow your mind and heart to expand!

    90-120 min depending on group size

    In-person and Virtual available

  • Intuitive Intelligence workshop

    Do you identify as intuitive but want a deeper understanding and a safe and accepting place to practice?

    Intuition can be accessed through multiple approaches but I believe the clearest path is through the heart.If you can love, you can know. If you can ask, you can listen.

    All knowing that comes from the invisible space within you and others must come through the heart of compassion and acceptance. In these dynamic workshops, I will lead, facilitate, demonstrate and support you in understanding the senses through the invisible space. The 2-hour workshop will highlight the 5 ‘Claires’ (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairgustance, clairalience).

    I will lead the group through intuitive teachings, guided meditations, partner practice, supported feedback and live demonstrations. This workshop can be taken multiple times as no two are the same. Class size is limited to 12 with a minimum of 8 for optimal experience and attention.

  • Intuitive Coaching

    Are you a helping practitioner who identifies as intuitive? Do you want to understand and connect more deeply to your intuitive voice when assisting others? Do you currently use intuitive practices in your work and want to strengthen them?

    I offering 1 on 1 intuitive coaching for individuals who identify as intuitive and are looking to connect, understand, AMPLIFY and practice their intuitive offering. Together we will establish your personal goals in using intuition in your offerings and service to others. I will use my lens to connect to your intuitive approach for expansion and clarity. Through investigation, direct questioning and exercises, you will test and grow your intuitive offering in a safe and fun environment.

    Once you feel confident and comfortable and if you choose, I will facilitate individual and group readings where you can practice your skills and stretch your intuitive muscles in real time with real participants.

    1:1 coaching sessions allow you to identify and grow into your goals at your own pace as opportunities for challenges are arranged as you go!

    60 minutes

    In-person and Virtual available


-henry david thoreau